Kevin and Sara Kuykendall have been custom fitting sheep together since 1984.
They have fitted and shown thirteen The Kuykendalls have experienced much success since they first bought the Wild Apple Montadale flock in January of 1996. In their first year of raising Montadales, they raised the 1996 Supreme Champion Ewe at Louisville, Kuykendall 4, “Daisy”. They also raised the 1999 Supreme Champion Ewe at Louisville, Kuykendall 43, and the 2008 Supreme Champion, Kuykendall 609, "Hoppy". In addition to raising Montadales, the Kuykendalls raise Border Cheviots and Natural Coloreds. The Cheviots were started from a set of ewes given to Katherine from her grandfather, Henry Kuykendall, who has had Cheviots since the 1950's. The Natural Colored flock started in 2005 when Katherine purchased a ewe from Steve and Stacy Taylor, and has since grown to include 20 brood ewes. |